What We Believe
We wholeheartedly believe:
That over two thousand years ago Jesus came from heaven, became flesh and dwelt amongst humankind.
That Jesus was fully man and fully God and was born of a virgin and is the son of God.
Jesus came to redeem and reconcile humankind back to the living God.
We are fully assured that Jesus willingly sacrificed his life for the world, became sin, so that we would become sinless.
We believe that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and that it’s impossible to be reconciled back to God without him.
We believe in the divine and inspired word of God and that the Word of God is worth far more than all the combined riches of the world.
That the scriptures are given by inspiration of God, and within the pages of these scriptures are words of wisdom, not only to read but to live our very lives by.
That God created man in his own image and that we should be glorifying him and not glorifying ourselves.
That God in his foreknowledge predestined and chose us and prepared good works beforehand for us to complete.
That the Holy Spirit dwells inside us and that we are ambassadors who in co-partnership with the living God.
That Jesus Christ will return soon and every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. Amen.